Changes in a relationship are always challenging. Understanding your legal responsibilities and rights while in emotionally charged situation can be even more difficult.

We are here to help you navigate this process. Our services are tailored to the level of your specific legal needs to help achieve the best outcome at a cost you can afford.  Contact us to learn more about your options.

Divorce in Washington State

Divorce Services

For Both Parties

We provide flat-fee services for drafting and finalizing all dissolution papers before a dissolution is finalized. This is often the most cost-effective and simplest ways to proceed when there is a consensus amongst the parties.

  • Parties need to be in agreement & come to us before the divorce has been filed with any court.
  • We can help you work together to determine the details of an agreement, but currently do not provide mediation.

Single Party

Limited representation – we help draft and review papers, but do not appear in court on your behalf.

On-going representation – we appear at all court appearances, draft, and review all documents.

Parenting Plans

Parenting plans help put into place routine and structure for everyone. A parenting plan helps you and your former partner designate how you each spend time with the children you had together; how you make decisions together; and what to do if you don’t agree down the road.

  • A parenting plan is important to be in place once a relationship has ended, regardless of the status of your former relationship (i.e. married or not).
  • Parenting plans help split up time the children spend with each person during the week, over the holidays, and during the summer.
  • Having a parenting plan in place can also reduce confusion and disagreements between you and your former partner.